What To Do When Your Bathroom Floods


There are so many ways that your bathroom can experience water damage. Someone can put the stopper in the tub and forget to turn the water off. Or the toilet can overflow. Or the pipe under the sink can burst unexpectedly. Regardless of how the water damage happened, it is essential to take care of it right away.

Stop the Water

The first thing you are going to want to do is to turn off the water. If a faucet is running, turn it off. If the pipe burst, turn off the water supply to that pipe. If the line burst past where the water supply turns off, you'll need to turn off the water supply for your whole house. If the toilet is overflowing, you can turn off the water supply to the toilet. It is essential in order to prevent more water from damaging your bathroom.

Turn Off the Electricity

Next, you are going to want to turn off the electricity. When you experience water damage, there is a good chance that that water could have got into the electrical system. You don't want to take the chance that there is water mixing with the electricity in your bathroom and risk getting electrocuted. Go to your breaker panel and turn off the circuits that correspond to your bathroom. After that, unplug anything that is using electricity in the bathroom.

Call for Help

You should also call for help right away. Cleaning up after water damage in your bathroom is a big job. You are going to want to get assistance with this. You're going to want to call a water damage restoration company that offers 24/7 service. You need someone who can get there right away and provide you with professional tools to help dry out the space. The sooner you dry out the space, the less water damage you should have to deal with.

Document Everything

You are also going to want to document what happened. This is for your insurance company. Take pictures of the water damage. If possible, take photos while the water is still present and take photos after you start to clean up the water. The more pictures and notes you take, the better chance you have of paying your claim in full and getting the assistance you need to repair your bathroom.

Remove the Water

The final thing you're going to want to do is work to get rid of the water. The water damage restoration company will help you with this when they arrive. However, any job you can do before they get there to reduce the amount of water will be helpful. If you mop up the water with towels, don't put the wet towels in the dryer. Instead, please put them in the washer and run the spin cycle to get the water out of them. You can also use a mop to clean up the water. If the backup water came from the toilet, be sure to be careful. There could be bacteria in the water that you don't want to come in contact with. You should wear boots and gloves while cleaning up the water in your bathroom.

For more information, contact a local water restoration service, such as 1-800-BUSY-DOG.


20 October 2021

Recovering From Disaster

When I flipped on the news last winter, the last thing I thought that I would see was my own neighborhood. Unfortunately, I discovered that our entire area was directly in the path of a dangerous mudslide. Instead of relaxing and enjoying my normal morning cup of coffee, I found myself scrambling to gather together family heirlooms and emergency clothing. After the mudslide passed through, my home was in shambles. Fortunately, damage contractors helped us to make things right. If you are faced with a dire situation, don't fret. Damage recovery experts can help you to get back to normal sooner than you might think.